This Blog was created with the ocasion of the Comenius project Borderline (2005-2007). Our idea is to continue to publish events taking place in our school.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Impresii proiect Danemarca



I have to admit that before the meeting I was quite nervous, not knowing what we were expected to say, but I rapidly calmed down as I met some wonderful people willing to communicate with us, in a calm, friendly way.
I was absolutely delighted with the discussion and very absorbed by the problems we talked about. The Danish teachers were extremely sociable and open-minded, so it was a pleasure and an honour for me to have the chance to be involved in this event. I hope that we will keep in touch with them and we will develop beautiful projects together. Thank you for this opportunity!
Bianca Juhasz
12 Form C
Denmark is geographically located in northern Europe. Despite being the smallest of its neighbouring northern countries, it is the oldest. Last week, I learned that the Danes are very communicative, friendly and proud of their country and heritage. It was interesting and refreshing to learn about a new culture and how different its approach is to education. I learned that private schools offer the same subjects and final examinations as the public schools do. In addition, many of the schools also focus on special subjects like physical education, music, theatre, and offer other non-traditional types of courses. For instance, students don't need a diploma in pedagogy to become teachers. Another interesting fact that caught my attention was that high school yards often have gardens in them where the students practice the art of harvesting various types of vegetables such as carrots.
The Danish efterskole discussion was also new to me. The efterskole is a unique danish residential school for students between 14 and 18 years old. One of the things that is unique about the efterskole is the teacher-student relationship. The teacher is responsible for both teaching and supervising the students outside of school hours. This means that teachers and students are together all day from the time the students wake up until they go to bed. The overall student experience is very different than what I am used to, but it seems to me that students learn a lot of things that prepare them for life. What I like most are the extra-school projects and activities that bring the students together and prepare them for the future.
The Danes
Last Wednesday was a special day for me. For the first time I met Danish people. They were all blond and tall, some of them even cute.
I and my classmates went to the ICD and met them because they wanted to know pupils from Romania and,of course, we all spoke in English.
We talked about many things, such as how their country is, their high scools and what they teach. Actually, they were nice people and they invited us, me and my classmates, to go for a month to Denmark, for the summer vacation to see how they teach. It seemed to me a great idea, because it'll be useful for me to go abroad and see their culture and traditions.
They told us that, for them it is more important to socialize and to know how their pupils think rather than simply teach and I found that very interesting.
I hope one day, we'll all go to Denmark to see how is there and to meet a lot of new people . It'll be an interesting experience for me, for all of us.
Lucia Iunian XF
Proiect Danemarca- Efterskole
Clasa a zecea se ofera fie in scolile gimnaziale, fie in efterskoler. La scolile internat elevii locuiesc impreuna tot timpul anului si au ocazia sa opteze pentru materii cu aplicare practica (de exemplu
sport, arta culinara, calarie, design, muzica, pictura etc.), in afara de curriculumul de baza, care contine daneza, matematica, engleza, o a doua limba straina si educatie civica. Clasa a zecea este foarte la moda (nu are nimic de a face cu nivelul elevilor), mai ales in aceste scoli-internat, care sunt destul de scumpe, dar unde elevii se simt foarte bine.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Raport al Comisiei de promovare a proiectelor nationale si internationale
Anul școlar 2009-2010 a reprezentat un an de vârf pentru comisia de promovare a proiectelor naționale si internaționale prin obținerea Certificatelor Scoală Europeană 2010 , European Label 2009 ( pentru proiecte inovative in predarea limbilor străine) si o mențiune la Concursul National de proiecte „Made for Europe 2010”.
1. A fost finalizat proiectul Comenius Higher Quality in Education with Family Support. Raportului final a fost aprobat de către ANPCDEFP.
2. Au continuat activitățile in cadrul proiectului “ Imigranții Trecut si prezent. Spre o mai buna integrare?” (Immigrants- Past and Present. Towards Better Integration?)( coord. Mariana Hudrea). Au beneficiat de mobilitati in Germania si Turcia 5 profesori si 6 elevi.
3. Au fost realizate materiale foarte importante in cadrul proiectului : filmarea interviurilor luate unor persoane care au imigrat in Romania sau care s-au întors din Spania)si pregătirea a doua prezentări PowerPoint vizând România, Maramureșul, orașul Baia Mare si realizările CN Eminescu in materie de proiecte europene precum si un istoric al imigrației înspre si dinspre Romania in Turcia.
4. A fost lansat proiectul Comenius “Trecut conflictual. Ghid European pentru supraviețuire pentru tinerii cetățeni europeni” (Conflicting Past-Common Future. a Practical Survival Guide for Young European Citizens)( Coord. Elena Iercosan)
5. Au fost pregatite materiale si s-a participat la reuniunile de proiect din Polonia ( 2 profesori+ 4 elevi - Elena Iercosan si Luminița Faur) si Irlanda( Elena Iercoşan, Dorel Condor ) – reuniune de analiza a primului an de activitate.
6. Au fost redactate materiale de diseminare pentru cele doua proiecte in derulare. Publicarea de articole in presa locala: Glasul Maramuresului , Graiul Maramuresului , Informatia, Gazeta de Maramures Zilei precum si in ziarul online ” Romania Pozitiva”.
7. Pregatirea si depunerea formularelor pentru burse Comenius si Grundvig „Mobilitati” respectiv „Vizite si schimburi”. Cristina Viosovan a obtinut o bursa Comenius in Marea Britanie iar Mariana Hudrea doua burse Grundtvig la Roma si Amsterdam.
8. A fost întocmit dosarul pentru Asistenți lingvistici Comenius( Rodica Mone). Proiectul a fost aprobat pentru acest an școlar.
9. A fost pregătit si s-a depus dosarului pentru obținerea certificatului European Label ( Mariana Hudrea, Simona Dicu, Flavia Costin, Elena Mihali). Festivitatea de decernare a avut loc la Bucuresti. Au participat dir. Marius Craciun, prof. Mariana Hudrea si doua eleve, Andrada Les si Cristina Ivanov.
10. A fost organizata o reuniune de proiect in cadrul parteneriatului Comenius Conflicting Past.( coord. Elena Iercosan). Reuniunea a avut drept invitați parteneri din Germania (2 profesori și 4 elevi), Lituania (3 profesori și 3 elevi) si Polonia (2 profesori si 6 elevi). In cadrul acesteia au fost organizate excursii in MM si activitati legate de tema proiectului (Rezistenta anti-comunista), din care mentionam vizita la Memorialul Victimelor Comunismului din Sighetu Marmatiei, unde elevii au avut posibilitatea sa participe si la o „conferinta” la finalul vizitei ghidate, unde au pus intrebari ghizilor. Activitatile realizate in scoala s-au finalizat printr-un portofoliu identic pentru fiecare tara, care contine informatiile aduse de fiecare tara in parte referitoare la propria rezistenta anti-comunista, precum si intrebarile si temele de discutie abordate in cadrul reuniunii.
11. Continuarea proiectului Studii Europene, clasa a XI-a F, prof. Elena Iercosan.
12. Acordarea unui interviu postului Radio Romania Cultural pe tema proiectelor CN Mihai Eminescu ( Mariana Hudrea)
13. Participarea in proiectul OnAir al Radio Romania ( prezentarea proiectelor e-learning din scoala coord. Mariana Hudrea).
14. Participarea la proiectul Comenius coordonat de catre Agentia Nationala de Monitorizare a Presei Active Watch (Clasa a X-a E si prof. Mariana Hudrea). Proiectul a urmarit educarea elevilor in spiritul interpretarii corecte a articolelor aparute in media.
15. Participarea la reuniunile de informare asupra proiectelor europene, Bucuresti ( Elena Iercosan, Cristina Visovan)
16. Oferirea de consultanta pentru obtinerea a trei burse Grundtvig pentru Florentina Baciu, Ioana Pop si Luminita Grigorescu de la CJAPP MM, primele doua având ore si in CN Mihai Eminescu.( proiecte aprobate)
17. Oferirea de consultanta pentru scrierea unui proiect Comenius pentru Grup Școlar Nenițescu. ( Proiect aprobat).
18. Alcătuirea dosarului si obținerea certificatului „Scoala Europeana” pentru a III-a oara consecutiv.(Mariana Hudrea, Ileana Vasilescu, Elena Iercosan, Rodica Mone, Nicolae Weisz, Simona Dicu, Flavia Costin, Cristina Visovan. La festivitatea de la București au participat dir. Adj. Mirela Ardelean, Mariana Hudrea si elevul Marius Anitas).
19. Obținerea unei mențiuni la concursul Made for Europe 2010, Bacau. ( Marius Anitas, Dan Tecar).
20. Realizarea unor excursii vizând obiective turistice in Romania si in străinătate ( Dorel Condor, Ioan Mociran, Alexandra Spatacean).
21. Elevii CN Mihai Eminescu au participat la Concursul international „Chanson sur scene”. Eleva Manuela Grigoruta a castigat o bursa de doua saptamani in Franta.
22. Proiectul internaţional „Pantomimes”, Orthez, Franţa, coordonat de Simona Ungureanu si realizat cu sprijinul Mariei Ciumau si un grup de elevi ai liceului nostru, mai 2010.
23. In 16 iunie a avut loc , in cadrul emisiunii d-lui Ioan Butuza la E-Maramures , un Talk show dedicat împlinirii a 10 ani de proiecte internaționale la CN Mihai Eminescu Baia Mare. Au participat Mariana Hudrea si Florian Nechita însoțiți de elevii: Patrick Bohony, Petruta Boga, Xanta Lukacsovits si Andrada Les.
24. Alcatuirea documentatiei pentru Bacalaureatul francofon ( conducerea liceului si catedra de limba franceza)
25. Participarea la Campionatul National "Tinerii dezbat" ( locul IV), Baia Mare , 29-30 mai 2010
Toate aceste activităţi au condus la formarea spiritului de echipa atat in randul cadrelor didactice implicate cat si al elevilor. Participanţii la activităţi au beneficiat de deschiderea oferita de acest gen de activitati. Unii participanti la mobilitati au calatorit pentru prima data cu avionul , cu metroul sau cu bacul. Au invatat cum sa-si prezinte tara si cum sa lucreze in echipe internaţionale.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Ziua limbilor europene
Saturday, September 11, 2010
These are some of the key words that come into my mind when I try to put down some impressions after the Fisher conference held in Bucharest on the 3rd - 4th September 2010.
The conference took place at Rin Grand Hotel and the facilities were excellent. I don't think that anybody could complain about the conditions the Fisher team offered.
On the 13th floor there was the Paradise – at least for us, English teachers – a corridor of books, Cds, dictionaries, flashcards – all the important publishers – old and new – trying to present their products. There's nothing new in all this. We have all seen bookstalls so far and of course you need lots of money to really enjoy walking from one publisher to the other.
So, what was so extraordinary about this conference? I really do not know where to start. Could it be the fascinating moment when Jeremy Harmer – yes, the Jeremy Harmer whose books we all study for our exams – confessed that he himself is bothered by dilemmas that won't let him sleep at night. The paradox he spoke about regards us. Isn't that a paradox that we, Romanian teachers are so fluent and good at English even though we were taught this language by the old audio-lingual (non-communicative) methods?
Making a clear distinction between communicative and non-communicative language teaching he made us remember the great figures that marked our experience as learners of English. We all have somewhere, at the bottom of carton boxes books written by Georgiana Galateanu Farnoaga, Andrei Bantas, Leon Levitchi. And, yet, we always make a good impression wherever we go as almost perfect speakers. We did not have the, by now consacrated listening and speaking classes. Instead, we used to read and to translate a lot besides doing the well-known grammar exercise.
So, back to the old methods? Definitely NOT. The message and the conclusion of all the English course writers and teachers that delighted us with their lectures was that we do need to use the communicative approach, that we must try to get the best out of our students' creativity, that we do need to guide them through the magic land of reading, that we must encourage them to play with words and that from time to time – maybe too often – we do need to apologize in front of our teacher colleagues because our classes tend to be noisier.
And yet the question was still there. What is so special about us Romanian English teachers? We grew up with old methods and we master the language as if taught by modern techniques.
The answer came from all the corners of the conference hall. We practiced a lot individually, we participated at different courses, we learnt step by step along with our students, we wanted, we had to, it was and it still is a powerful intrinsic motivation.
Obviously, we do not have such students in our classes. Who would need us with so highly motivated students?
(Un)fortunately, our educables are far from being motivated in any way. Therefore, much of our teaching depends on our creativity, flexibility and on the way we bring variety to the classroom. We should make our students aware of the fact that they are extremely lucky – at least from the perspective of learning a foreign language nowadays. We had little and we got this far. They have a lot. How far could they get in their language performance and knowledge if they wanted?
If we could make them ponder over this, they might appreciate more all the effort we do to help them master English better than we used to do it at their age. It is important that they consciously use all the given opportunities to absorb English piece by piece.
It is impossible to put into words all I learnt in these two days of intensive courses about HOW to be more Effective by being at the same time Affective, about how to believe in ourselves and in our students, about how to handle mixed ability classes or about how to keep both primary and advanced students focused. We all studied about these issues in their books, but nothing can be compared to actually facing these teachers and listening to lectures based on many, many years of experience.
It would be a naivety not to notice that this conference also had a commercial purpose. In fact our lecturers do have connections – in one way or another - with one or more of the publishing houses represented by Fisher. But one thing is undisputable. Nobody can question the high quality of every second we spent there. All the sessions had been thoroughly prepared and we had the opportunity of being students again. I’ll just name some of the courses we had:
• Language play and creative language learning – David A. Hill
• The practice of extensive learning – David A. Hill
• Creative thinking – David Evans
• The power of narrative – David Evans
• Teaching an learning – grammar: yesterday, today, tomorrow – Gary Anderson
• The Fluency paradox – Jeremy Harmer
• Motivation – the inside story – Mark Hancock
• Keeping advanced students motivated – Tim Herdon
• Music makes the world go round – Vanessa Reilly
Both the plenary lectures and the workshops made us forget about the reality that waited for us outside those walls: unmotivated students and low salaries – the worst combination. But it was worth all the financial and time effort. It was quite exhausting at a certain moment since we had sessions from 9 am to 7 pm. Nevertheless, we were also spoilt with a luxurious lunch at the Boemian Restaurant on the 1st floor of the hotel.
What else could a teacher ask at the beginning of the new school year?
Quite nothing. And still the cherry on the cake was to come: a one hour concert that can't be described in one word. Imagine Jeremy Harmer reciting poems about love, marriage, breakups, engagement and playing the guitar accompanied by Steve Bingham who played both electric and classical violin.
So, besides the rucksack of free sample books, grammar books, catalogues, besides the enriching teaching experience we also had part of an amazing artistic moment, called „Touchable Dreams.”
Nobody can expect a teacher to start school optimistically and positively under the given circumstances in Romania so I simply consider myself lucky to have been given this opportunity of starting even this school year with positive energy.
Cristina Nedelea
Colegiul National „Mihai Eminescu”
Baia Mare, 05 09 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Curs Cambridge- Cristina Visovan
Curs de formare profesionala la Cambridge
In perioada 18 iulie – 31 iulie 2010 am participat la un curs de formare profesionala in
La campus-ul
Pe parcursul celor doua saptamani, pe langa cursurile de baza, ama vut posibilitatea sa particp la 4 ateliere de lucru diferite (despre utilizarea filmuletelor in exercitii de vorbire, a cantecelor in altfel de exercitii decat cele de tipul ‘fill in’, despre folosirea metodei structurale in predarea limbii engleze) la doua seminarii pe teme culturale si la doua cursuri tinute de profesori renumiti in domeniul limbii engleze – domnul Adrian Underhill si domnul Michael McCarthy.
Am beneficiat si de un program social care a inclus un tur ghidat al orasului Cambridge, o vizita la Londra, o seara de film, doua seri in care am putut lua parte la un program muzical, o seara de quiz si bineinteles, petreceri de bun-venit si ramas-bun. In plus s-au organizat excursii in diferite localitati din apropierea Cambridg-ului (Ely, Bury St. Edmunds, Woodbridge), o excursie la Southwald, Suffolk (orasel la Marea Nordului), o seara de teatru la Londra, un tur cu barca pe faimosul rau Cam si nu in ultimul rand o seara de teatru la Colegiul St. John unde am vizionat – Imblanzirea scorpiei de William Shakespeare.
Au fost doua saptamani de vis in care am explorat o mica parte din Marea Britanie, am cunoscut oameni din peste 20 de tari, mi-am facut noi prieteni, am cunoscut personalitati din domeniu, doua saptamani in care am invatat multe lucruri noi despre cum putem folosi calculatorul si internetul in predarea limbii engleze (folosirea programului HotPotatoes pentru realizarea de exercitii, crearea de pagini web si de blog-uri, folosirea unei platforme de invatare precum Moodle, a programului Paint.Net pentru exercitii de vorbire si de descriere a unor fotografii, a programelor Audacity si a diferitelor site-uri disponibile pe internet pentru exercitii de corectare a pronuntiei, folosirea filmuletelor de pe youtube pentru exercitii de ascultare si de vorbire, folosirea programului Word pentru exercitii de creativitate in scriere etc.). Intentionez sa creez un blog pe care vor fi disponibile in curand link-uri utile pentru toti cei interesati sa foloseasca noile tehnologii in predarea la clasa si unde voi putea fi contactata pentru orice informatii suplimentare.
Consider ca astfel de activitati de formare sunt extreme de benefice pentru orice profesor si de aceea doresc sa-mi incurajez colegii sa acceseze pagina web a Agentiei Nationale si sa solicite obtinerea unor granturi asemanatoare. Nimic nu se compara cu o astfel de experienta de viata.
prof. Cristina Visovan
Monday, June 14, 2010
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Se zice că în tot răul este şi un bine. Viaţa ne învaţă acest lucru la fiecare pas.
Anul acesta a fost primul an în care am avut şansa să predau limba engleză în Colegiul Naţional „Mihai Eminescu”. Aş avea multe de spus despre acest prim an, dar mă voi opri doar la ultima experienţă, extrem de plăcută – evaluarea elevilor din clasa a XII-a, aceea de a avea şansa să văd oameni în devenire, să dialoghez, să ascult, să citesc rânduri – uneori puerile, alteori extrem de mature şi responsabile, uneori opuse viziunilor noastre, alteori asemănătoare.
Nominalizarea in comisie a venit, din păcate, pe fondul grevei cadrelor didactice. Sunt lucruri care uneori nu-ti fac plăcere însă viața te confrunta cu situații cărora trebuie să le faci faţă.
Am fost încântată sa constat originalitatea majorităţii lucrărilor scrise . Nu am citit nici o lucrare asemănătoare şi le-am citit pe toate împreună cu colega mea, doamna profesoară Cristina Vişovan. Atât la proba scrisă cât şi la proba orală elevii au dat dovada de competenţe de comunicare demne de un liceu cu clase bilingv engleză.
Nu regret nici o secundă că i-am putut evalua pe unii dintre cei mai buni elevi ai judeţului nostru, că m-am putut convinge de un lucru extraordinar. Optimismul pedagogic este cheia succesului dascălului. Dacă îţi faci meseria cu drag, chiar şi în vremuri tulburi, dacă sincer crezi că aceşti copii au şansă să devină în primul rând oameni şi apoi buni specialişti în domeniul pe care şi-l aleg ei, dacă poţi să vezi valoarea în fiecare dintre ei, atunci poţi să ai satisfacţia că la sfârşitul anilor de liceu, atunci când le este dat să scrie despre prima lor zi în acest colegiu vei avea în faţa ta oameni pregătiţi pentru o nouă etapă.
Vei sta atunci uimit în faţa lucrărilor în care apar amănunte ce i-au marcat şi de care nici nu erai conştient ca dascăl. Vei observa că i-au marcat portretele de pe pereţii clasei, figuri ale unor oameni despre care nu ştiau nimic, că au fost bucuroşi să fie numiţi o familie şi să descopere pe parcurs că aşa şi era, că au văzut în dirigintele lor o a doua mamă, sau dimpotrivă i-au remarcat tinereţea şi priceperea, că au început experienţele lor de liceeni prin jocuri şi socializare sau că au fost aşezaţi în semicerc pentru a se simţi mai confortabil.
Dacă eşti un dascăl adevărat vei vedea că în patru ani ai format oameni care să fie în stare să analizeze, să argumenteze, să respecte, să asculte şi să decidă. Vei vedea că au învăţat să lucreze în echipă, să comunice şi să se prezinte decent la un examen, chiar dacă nu i s-a dat mare importanţă şi chiar dacă acum se încearcă să li se minimalizeze meritele şi reuşitele. Pentru unii subiectele au fost mult sub nivelul lor de engleză, dar niciunul nu a părut plictisit, nu a luat în derâdere examenul, chiar dacă profesorii cu vechime au fost în grevă. Dacă timpul ar fi permis ar fi fost o plăcere să porţi diferite discuţii, unele chiar contradictorii doar de dragul de a-i asculta. A fost plăcut să vezi că au curajul de a fi sinceri şi de a critica însuşi sistemul de învăţământ cu argumente, nu doar pentru a şoca şi că reuşesc să critice fără a jigni. Sunt convinsă că unii dintre ei au creat probleme de-a lungul anilor profesorilor de la clasă dar cu siguranţă nu au făcut nimic condamnabil la aceste examene. Chiar şi aceia în ochii cărora puteai citi spiritul de rebel, de nonconformist s-au prezentat decent şi matur. Tot respectul pentru fiecare dintre ei, pentru toţi cei 96 de elevi şi pentru toţi cei care i-au pregătit.
As fi vrut sa transcriu câteva rânduri răzleţe din unele lucrări care dovedesc implicarea şi succesul unor profesori în procesul de a forma caractere umane deosebite, de a lăsa amprenta lor pozitivă asupra personalității elevilor. Cu siguranta unii dintre dumneavoastră, mă refer la dascăli, v-ati fi recunoscut ca diriginţi în rândurile scrise de elevi.
Friday, June 04, 2010
Scoala Europeana


Pe primele locuri la editia din acest an se afla Liceul de Arte "Balasa Doamna" din Targoviste (judetul Dambovita) - 198 de puncte, Colegiul Tehnic "Mihai Bacescu" din Falticeni, (judetul Suceava) - 194 de puncte si Grupul Scolar Industrial "Stefan Procopiu" din Vaslui (191 puncte). Certificatul are o valabilitate de trei ani, dupa care scoala trebuie sa concureze din nou pentru a reconfirma titlul obtinut.
Acestea sunt: Grupul Scolar Industrial "Stefan Procopiu" din Vaslui, Colegiul Economic "Ion Ghica" din Targoviste, Colegiul National "Mihai Eminescu" din Baia Mare, Scoala cu clasele I-VIII "Andrei Saguna" din Deva, Colegiul Economic din Buzau, Centrul Scolar pentru Educatie Incluziva nr. 1 Oradea si Colegiul National "Octavian Goga" din Sibiu. De asemenea, alte 17 unitati scolare obtin ,pentru a doua oara, certificatul si trofeul "Scoala Europeana".
Competitia Nationala "Scoala Europeana"se adreseaza tuturor unitatilor de invatamant preuniversitar implicate in activitati/programe/proiecte de cooperare europeana. La editia din acest an s-au inscris 148 de unitati de invatamant preuniversitar din 36 de judete si din municipiul Bucuresti.
Evaluarea candidaturilor scolilor inscrise in competitie s-a realizat dupa urmatoarele criterii: coerenta activitatilor derulate in cadrul proiectelor/programelor comunitare cu politica generala a institutiei scolare, integrarea activitatilor derulate in cadrul proiectelor/programelor comunitare in programul curent al scolii, asigurarea egalitatii de sanse, varietatea disciplinelor de studiu (ariilor curriculare) implicate/ activitatilor educative scolare si extrascolare, continuitate si constanta in derularea de activitati/proiecte/programe comunitare, strategie si modalitati de implementare si evaluare, strategie si modalitati de valorizare (diseminare si exploatare a rezultatelor/produselor), dezvoltarea dimensiunii europene a educatiei prin activitatile de cooperare europeana si calitatea documentelor de candidatura (documente manageriale, formular de candidatura si portofoliu).
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
European Label 2009

European Label 2009 acordat Colegiului National "Mihai Eminescu" Baia Mare pentru proiectul Higher Quality in Education with Family Support.
European Label - Certificatul European pentru proiecte din domeniul predarii si invatarii limbilor straine - este o initiativa a Comisiei Europene care isi propune sa evidentieze si sa recompenseze cele mai inovatoare si creative proiecte din acest domeniu. Lansata in anul 1998 in tarile membre ale Uniunii Europene, actiunea s-a bucurat de un real succes, fapt ce a determinat Comisia Europeana sa o extinda si in tarile aflate in curs de aderare.
European Label in Romania.
Proiectele selectionate primesc un certificat semnat de Comisarul European pentru Educatie, Formare, Cultura si Multilingvism, si de Ministrul Educatiei si Cercetarii din tara noastra.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
TOEIC Online
Acest examen, impreuna cu cel pentru lectura si ascultare , echivaleaza proba de competente pentru examenul de Bacalaureat.
La examen au participat 5 elevi: trei de la Colegiul National Dragos Voda din Sighetu Marmatiei, o eleva de la Colegiul National Mihai Eminescu si un elev de la Colegiul Tehnic Aurel Vlaicu din Baia Mare.
Examenul a fost o provocare nu numai pentru elevi ci si pentru personalul de specialitate al Colegiului Eminescu.
Administratoarea de retea, Camelia Ciulean, a lucrat doua saptamani pentru a pregati impecabil reteaua pentru ziua examenului.
Laboratorul Multimedia a fost dotat cu casti si microfoane performante. S-au realizat cateva testari prealabile pentru a primi acceptul ETS Global (
Iata cateva din impresiile participantilor:
Camelia Ciulean: Pregatirea examenului TOEIC online a fost o experienta noua care m-a ajutat sa progresez in meseria mea. A fost primul examen de acest gen pe care l-am pregatit si consider ca a fost o mare provocare. Am invatat sa instalez programul, sa realizez conectarea la platforma. Ma bucur ca examenul a decurs fara nici o problema si ma bucur ca am putut sa le fiu de folos elevilor care au dorit sa sustina acest examen.
Oana Ardelean: Pentru mine examenul TOEIC Online a insemnat concentrare maxima, raspunsuri concrete. Consider ca a fost o evaluare a 12 ani in care am studiat limba engleza.Examenul a fost destul de greu, dar in acelasi timp interesant si a fost o modalitate excelenta pentru a-mi testa cunostintele de limba engleza.
Il recomand tuturor celor care vor sa traiasca o noua provocare si sa obtina un certificat cu recunoastere internationala.
Alexandra Bout-Odarca: Examenul TOEIC mi s-a parut unul foarte interesant. A fost pentru mine o cu totul alta experienta fata de examenele pe care le-am mai dat. Unul dintre motive a fost acela ca examenul a fost computerizat , ca totul s-a intamplat online iar totul a fost foarte bine organizat.
Maria Julean: Desi emotiile , ca de obicei, au rolul lor in examene, testul mi s-a parut foarte accesibil. Subiectele sunt interesante, iar totul este bine structurat.Intr-adevar iti testeaza toate apritudinile in vederea evaluarii competentelor de limba engleza.A fost o experienta frumoasa( si reusita!!!). Certificatul imi va folosi atat la examenul de Bacalaureat cat si la admiterea la facultate. Sper sa-l pot folosi si la angajare. Mi-am dorit sa dau acest examen in special pentur ca echivaleaza BAC-ul. Acuma ma pot concentra mai mult la celelalte materii pentur examene.
Tudor Stejeran: Participand si la examenele Cambridge si TOEFL pot spune ca sunt multe asemanari intre aceste trei tipuri de examen.Sunt multumit ca am sustinut acest examen reusind sa echivalez proba de competente lingvistice la Bacalaureat.
Cristina Ivanov: Examenul pe care l-am sustinut astazi a fost o experienta noua si cu siguranta foarte utila. Nu a fost greu si ii incurajez pe toti cei care se gandesc sa-l dea sa nu mai stea pe ganduri. Acest examen iti ofera siguranta ca vei fi admis la facultatea dorita.
Marius Craciun, director CN Mihai Eminescu
Mariana Hudrea, administrator TOEIC
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Impresii din Germania- Simona Dicu
Oportunitatea de a participa la activitatile desfasurate in cadrul proiectului “Immigrants Past and Present; Towards Greater Integration”, coordonat de doamna profesoara Mariana Hudrea a reprezentat pentru mine un mare pas inainte in cariera didactica, dar si in planul dezvoltarii mele personale. Titlul proiectului mi-a captat atentia inca de la inceput, deoarece provin dintr-o familie multietnica, bunica mea fiind de origine sasa din Banat si astfel, am fost extrem de interesata sa particip activ la toate activitatile organizate pe parcursul desfasurarii acestui proiect.
In decembrie 2009 mi s-a oferit sansa de a paricipa la Reuniunea de Proiect gazduita de scoala Georg-Buchner Gymnasium din Seelze, Germania. Toate activitatile desfasurate in cadrul reuniunii de proiect au fost interesante si din fiecare am reusit sa invat lucruri importante. In prima zi a reuniunii de proiect, elevii din cele 6 tari partenere au prezentat interviurile realizate cu imigranti din tarile lor. Elevii au avut astfel ocazia sa lucreze in echipa pentru realizarea interviurilor si a montajului si sa exerseze limba engleza, pe care pana in acel moment au avut posbilitatea sa o vorbeasca doar la scoala in cadrul orelor de limba engleza. Mi-am dat seama cat de mult ii stimuleaza pe elevi munca in echipa, ei ajungand sa constientizeze ca ceea ce ei invata la orele de limba engleza le foloseste pe tot parcursul vietii. Prezentarea reusita pe care au realizat-o elevii romani a avut ca rezultat cresterea increderii lor in fortele proprii. Daca la inceput au avut emotii deoarece prezentarea era facuta intr-o limba straina si in fata unei sali pline, pe parcurs emotiile au disparut. Astfel de prezentari de proiecte ii pregatesc pe elevi si din punct de vedere psihologic, deoarece majoritatea dintre ei vor avea de sustinut examene intr-o limba straina sau interviuri pentru universitati sau pentru un loc de munca. Constientizand toate aceste lucruri ca profesor, am inceput sa pun mai mult accent la clasa pe dezvoltarea muncii in echipa si a celor 8 competente chieie, prin implicarea elevilor in proiecte de grup si prezentarea acestora in fata colegilor.
Tot in prima zi a reuniunii de proiect am avut ocazia sa asisa la desfasurarea unei ore de limba engleza la liceu. Astfel, am putut observa cum se invata limba engleza intr-o tara din Europa de Vest si felul in care elevii sunt angajati in activitatile care se desfasoara in cadrul orei de curs. Am fost placut impresionata de modul activ in care elevii se implicau, dar si de disciplina de care dadeau dovada. In scolile romanesti profesorul trebuie sa fie mult mai creativ, iar lectiile pe care le preda sa fie mult mai interesante pentru a capta atentia elevilor. Mai mult, in Germania se pune foarte mult accent pe lucrul suplimentar pe care fiecare elev il realizeaza dupa cursuri, dar si pe felul in care acestia activeaza la ora de curs. Un mare avantaj pe care scoala germana o are este si numarul mai mic de elevi dintr-o clasa. Metodele de predare sunt deasemenea putin diferite, punandu-se mult accent pe munca de cercetare si documentare din partea elevilor. In cadrul scolii exista un Internet Café pentru elevi, unde acestia aveau acces gratuit pentru a cauta informatiile necesare, coordonati de catre profesor. Asadar, elevii sunt invatati inca din liceu cum sa caute si cum sa utilizeze informatia pe care Internetul le-o ofera. Toate aceste lucruri le vor fi deosebit de utile in facultate, dar si pe parcursul intregii vieti. Am ajuns la concluzia ca elevii trebuie invatati cum sa caute informatii, unde sa le gaseasca si cum sa interpreteze informatia in mod corect. Ca profesori trebuie sa punem mai mult accent pe partea practica a lucrurilor de care elevii vor avea nevoie in viata, ajutandu-I sa-si dezvolte cele 8 competente cheie.
In a doua zi a reuniunii de proiect, partenerii germani au invitat la scoala patru imigranti de diverse nationalitati. Elevii au fost organizati pe grupe, fiecare grupa fiind formata din elevi de nationalitati diferite, acestia fiind nevoiti sa utilizeze limba engleza pentru a comunica si a se intelege intre ei. Scopul activitatii a fost realizarea de interviuri cu imigrantii, iar la final elevii au trebuit sa le prezinte celorlati colegi ce au aflat despre experienta de imigrant a persoanei intervievate. Eu am avut sansa de a fi repartizata in grupa elevilor care au intervievat o romanca (de origine sasa) din Banat. Activitatea mi s-a parut extrem de interesanta, deoarece experienta doamnei Lotte Henz a fost atat de asemanatoare cu cea a bunicii mele. Asadar, am gasit raspuns si la unele intrebari pe care le aveam in legatura cu modul de viata a sasilor din Banat si despre deportarile pe care acestia le-au suferit dupa cel de al doilea Razboi Mondial.
In a treia zi a reuniunii de proiect, grupele de elevi au realizat impreuna cate o prezentare scrisa a rezultatelor celor 5 interviuri cu imigrantii. Au avut astfel ocazia sa-si exerseze si competentele digitale in vederea realizarii unei prezentari cat mai reusite. Toate aceste prezentari au fost publicate pe Blogul proiectului, elevii fiind foarte mandri ca ceea ce ei au realizat va putea fi consultat si de alte personae interesate.
Ultima zi a reuniunii de proiect a fost deosebit de emotionanta pentru mine. Partenerii germani ne-au oferit o excursie la Hamburg, cel de-al doilea mare oras al Germaniei, unde am vizitat BallinStadt Museum, muzeul imigratiei. Ca vizitatori am putut reconstitui calatoria imigrantilor europeni spre America in cea de-a doua jumatate a secolului al XIX-lea si pana la cel de al doilea Razboi Mondial. In una dintre incaperile muzeului exista o baza de date in care vizitatorul putea sa-si gaseasca rudele care au emigrat in urma cu multi ani inspre Statele Unite. Am avut norocul sa gasesc adresa unei rude apropiate a bunicii mele, urmand ca tatal meu sa ia legatura cu ei.
Asadar, participarea la Reuniunea de Proiect din Germania mi-a deschis noi orizonturi mai ales din punct de vedere profesional. Nimic nu se compara cu schimbul de idei, metode noi, experiente pe care profesorii din diverse tari si le impartasesc. Participarea la proiecte europene reprezinta o sansa extraordinara pentru profesori, deoarece ai ocazia sa analizezi toata munca pe care o depui dintr-o alta perspectiva, comparand si observand cum lucreaza colegii din alte tari. Pentru mine, participarea la activitatile derulate in cadrul proiectlui a reprezentat sansa de a vedea ca lucrurile stau putin diferit fata de cum credeam eu initial, faptul ca exista anumite lucruri pe care as putea sa le schmb,in asa fel incat elevii sa poata beneficia cat mai mult de pe urma lectiilor pe care le sustin.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Florin- The World of Books
The first feeling that I had when I entered the county library was the one that I had something really valuable in front of my eyes,and even if I had been there before, I didn't appreciate it enough.
The atmosphere was cozy , but it had something special at the same time - a kind of silence that meant something, that made me think at the power that knowledge offers you , at the possibility of knowing so many things and becoming a better person.
I have never thought before of the fact that reading a book is like finding a new part of yourself through the ideas of someone else, that reading a book could never be a waste of time because knowledge is timeless, that reading a book cannot be replaced by something else because it is a unique moment.
In the end I realized something very important : that every book in this library waits for me, and the things that I will learn from every book I read will be forever mine because I will understand them in my own way, just like all the books in the county library have been specially written for everyone of us.
Vanci Florin , 9thE
Monday, January 18, 2010
I woke up in the morning and the sun became to shine. I opened the windows and had some fresh air not knowing at that moment that the sun would join us on our way to Germany, with its brilliant highlights and joyful rise.
I had already prepared my luggage the day before and I also prepared some warm clothes to wear on the trip.
I had cleaned my room the day before , put my books in order, dusted my furniture and mde my bed , covered it with my white blanket . I knew I’ll miss my room, my world , my small paradise.
On the bus to Cluj I had a lot of good feelings about this trip. I was nervous and enthusiastic.
We arrived at a hotel in the middle of the night. It was prepared to offer us all of its comfort. I had a nice sleep in a big bed and, before falling asleep I was thinking about the program , trying to imagine it, discover it in my mind.
We almost missed the plane to Dortmund. I had never flown before. I remember how cold and sleepy I was. While we were checked at the airport , I was thinking : why if I can’t pass because I have something which is not allowed in my handbag, what if…
The plane was on the air. We were 11000 metres over all those small lights on mist . Everything was lighted by those small lights, which were under us.
We had a very fast and silent train to Hannover. I couldn’t wait seeing my hostess, because we were already friends – I had hosted her during the reunion from Romania and we had such a nice time together.
The first day passed in a hectic way, because the city was expecting us with its festive colour. A lot of people from all parts of Germany came to Hannover just for tasting its famous Gluwein and its famous spicy sausages, to enjoy the Christmas Market, to buy presents for their special someone and their families.
We started the program of the project on Wednesday and the Germans really impressed us with a concert presented by the school band.
We had prepared for the “Presentation Day” a film on Baia Mare and three interviews that managed to capture the attention of the participants. Other groups had good presentations too, with nice introduction that presented their hard work of studying the immigration problem , so as the first day of the program really made me be enthusiastic about the next ones.
The next day we participated in a couple of English classes and I noticed how active the students were, thirsty to catch all points of the lesson, doing brainstorming and team working. Also, almost all classes had a video projector, so as the teachers could do more interesting lessons and easy to remember.
I didn’t like the fact that their classes lasted 90 minutes, I think it is pretty hard to concentrate all this time , without a break , every day. But, I guess you can get used with almost everything.
We visited an amazing particular museum of Immigration on the last day, which was not far from Hamburg. There were a lot of mannequins made of wood which were typically dressed for those times and for the zone they came from. Every mannequin had near to it some kind of phone where one could listen to their story in English or German. It really impressed me the story of a 12 years old boy who had to leave Germany for America and in that registration he manifested his feelings about this fact , how sorry he felt that he had to leave his friends . There were also a lot of maps, writings, travel diaries and paintings, drawings. It is there a section of the museum where you can go to the board of the boat “Imperator” ,a boat lighted with faith and fear of all those immigrants leaving. I bought a poster of this amazing boat because it really tests my imagination and I will put it on the wall, near “Pont Alexandre Trois” and “The Athom of Bruxelles “ a poster for wall.
Later, that day , we had a short walk in Hamburg and we saw a Parade on the road, dedicated to Christmas and all what Christmas means .
We had to leave early because we had to catch the train Hannover – Dortmund. We caught it even if we were nervous about it , because when we had to take the first train the fact that the lines of trains changed , wasn’t mentioned in English and we were not able to understand German.
At least, we slept at a hotel in Dortmund, not far from the airport ( lucky for us) and prepared for our trip back to sweet Romania.
On the plane I was very thirsty and I was just happy for a moment because I found on my purse 2 lost euros so as I could buy a tea. But, unfortunately, while waiting the steward, I lost my precious coins somewhere under my seat so, for almost half an hour I was preoccupied to find a way to get my euros back. It wasn’t enough space so I just kept on trying and disturbing the others. When we arrived in Cluj-Napoca the lady who sat behind me found my two euros. So I just put it in my purse back and returned home with some money so as my mother could notice that I can save money when I want to.
It was an important experience for me because it offered me a new perspective and I’m happy that I could spend almost a week in such a beautiful city , for which I will always keep my best thoughts and I’m looking forward to visiting Germany again.
Roxana Serba
Fall, two months ago, a day of school was just starting. That morning brought a fresh air in our class, in our school, in our mentalities. Four students from the NCME, who were about to leave for a project meeting in Germany, brought with them an atmosphere of anxiety and happiness, at the same time.
The class had a certain and unique way of expressing hard work. Everybody knew what was going on but no one knew how to handle it or to make something to change that atmosphere. The classes had simply run out, the final changes were done and everyone was waiting for the big moment…the big presentation with the theme of IMMIGRATION!
In the first day of travelling the emotions were forgotten. The team already forgot their moments of hard work and suspense and kept on with having new feelings, taking in everything at a glance, tasting everything what they’ve got.
The following days were full of new events, new persons, new mentalities, a new country, a new culture, everything was new. The team finally had what they deserved, having the chance to taste a whole new world, a little part of paradise: work, results, sight-seeing tour, debates, films about each others culture, trips, museums, new experiences, new people, words that for some of us can represent the real heaven.
After these four days spent in the most wonderful way, the representatives of Romania came back with a lot of energy, enthusiasm and a big smile on their faces. They were anxious to describe, to share their unique experience and finally our class atmosphere was one of the best, described through happiness, trough wishing more, energy, trough the brightness from their eyes.
This is the result of achieving as much as you can!
Xanta Lukacsovits -12E
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
(Project Meeting in Germany)
Petruta Boga 12 E
End of November. To everybody’s surprise, it was a sunny day. Seven o'clock in the morning and I was up. I was running around the house without a point, hoping that the emotions that overwhelmed me would pass. Just at the same time my mother was leaving for work. She tried to say goodbye to me, smiling, but I saw tears in her eyes. Like any other parent she was worried. All morning I tried to mask my tears. I was happy that I was the one chosen to live this experience but in the same time I was upset because I was not used to go away from home such a long time and especially so far from my family.
Time was flying and we realized that it was time to go. I took the luggage and went to the meeting place. When everyone arrived the emotions began to grow knowing that it was the time to leave. It was around three and we had to get into the mini bus. I said goodbye to my family, and when I saw tears in my father’s eyes I felt like I was about to burst into tears. However I managed to control myself and I smiled to reassure and give them the feeling that I would be fine. In the car my thoughts where confused. I put my headphones in my ears and I thought nothing bad was going to happen.
By the time we arrived in Cluj I already felt more comfortable. We found the hotel in which we had reservations. The night settled over the city so everyone got in their rooms and we took a rest for the next day. The night passed peacefully. Alas , we had to wake up at four in the morning in order to catch the plane. We, four students and two teachers, were waiting in the lobby, sleepy and anxious. The clock in the reception hall showed five o’clock .Everybody wondered where our form teacher was. One of the teachers called her up, and when we heard that she had fallen asleep we panicked. We were not sleepy any longer, but we were worried that we would miss the flight. Luckily she managed to get downstairs in time. The taxis which were supposed to take us to the airport arrived. We found out that if we had been 10 minutes later we would have lost the plane. When I heard that, I felt relieved but at the same time I got nervous knowing how close we were to miss the flight.
For me everything was new because it was my first travel by plane. I felt my heart beating faster. As we approached the plane I could hear the noise made by the engine. We took our seats and we put on the safety belts. At every noise I felt that my heart would stop. When the plane started to move my legs started shaking. In the same time the flight attendants explained us what we should do in case of danger. When the pilot began to accelerate I was very nervous and I could barely speak. After the plane took off I had a wonderful feeling. To my surprise I enjoyed it. It is a unique and pleasant sensation. The flight was pleasant, even better than expected. The landing was ok. I would have liked to see the landscape but in the morning it was cold and foggy, so we couldn’t see anything.
Once in Germany, it is true a little bit tired, we were anxious to visit new places and meet new people. We got the luggage and … our adventure began. We took the bus to the central train station in Dortmund. We bought the tickets and went to the platform where the train was to arrive. On the platform there was a large clock that showed that there were a few minutes left before the arrival of the train. We were waiting, very excited, thinking about how the meeting with the students from Germany would be . Near the watch there was a great panel that indicated any changes. Unfortunately it was in German. Of course, the unexpected took us by surprise. But for a nice lady who told us to change the platform, we would have certainly missed the train. We rushed to the other platform and managed to catch the train. Wow! What a rush! Once in the train we sat down and breathed relieved. While I arranged my luggage to sit comfortably I saw out of the window as the train moved , but I was confused because I couldn’t feel and hear anything . I turned to Roxana, my friend, :” The train is moving, isn’t it?”, and she responded smiling at me :”Of course it’s moving!”. I was surprised because it was so silent; I couldn’t realize that the train was moving. And beside that it was also very clean and fast. It was a pleasure to travel by train and, without even realizing, we arrived in Hanover. We got off the train and I was nervous looking forward to meeting Sarah .They were already waiting for us. I recognized her immediately, because I saw her in Romania.
At first I was a little shy, but Sarah did everything possible to make me feel better. We took the train to get to her home because she lives in Seelze .I did not feel very comfortable, because everything was new for me, I was confused. After ten minutes of travelling by train we arrived at her home where I met her mother. I liked the house very much because it was a friendly one, and it was very nicely decorated for Christmas. I met her mother who is a nice woman. She expected us with food and she made me feel very good. I was tired but willing to visit the city. We went for a walk in the evening discovering the city. Everywhere we went I could feel the magic of Christmas. The whole town was dressed for celebration.
After visiting the city, and meeting new people, now it was time to show what we had prepared for the project.
On Wednesday morning we went to school and we were welcome by the headmaster. After that the school band performed for the teams coming from 5 European countries . The first break came just on time. We had the opportunity to meet other students to share our impressions so far. Then it was our time to present what we worked. I was so nervous because I had never talked in front of an audience. To my relief everything went ok and everyone liked our video presentation. Then the Polish and the Italians came.
It time to go to classes and I was impressed by what I saw. They have a 90 minutes class and the break is 20 minutes. When someone delivers a presentation , instead of applauding they knock the desk several times. I felt very good at their classes and I noticed that they insisted more in interaction and communication and not in writing. After this experience we went to the cafeteria and we ate the meal at school. It was very good the food, but I was surprised to see that for dessert we received ice-cream in the middle of winter. There everyone ate ice-cream.
After the meal we went to visit Hanover with Mr. Albrecht and Mr. Winkler, a wonderful opportunity to visit and find out about the history of the most important buildings and places in Hanover.
In the evening we went out, in town, and visited new shops. At night the city is so beautiful.
On Thursday morning Franziska Woellert introduced us to the topic of immigrants’ integration in Germany. It was very interesting because she explained very well the process of integration and we understood everything. We discussed, we asked questions. The break was a well deserved one for all of us because it is difficult to stay concentrated such a long time.
Then there followed the most interesting experience, the activity that I liked best. We formed five international groups and each of us interviewed an immigrant. I was in the team led by the Italian teacher. We interviewed José Carrascosa. It was interesting to listen to his life story because I think it could represent an example of strength, for all of us. He always wanted to be accepted in the German community and he always tried to improve his skills. The interviews we had taken in our school, had also been very interesting. We found out about the difficulties that the persons who leave their native country are being faced with. It is not easy to live abroad. After the interview we returned in the Forum to present the results. It was the day that impressed me most .
In the evening I went with Sarah’s family to the restaurant, a traditional Greek one . I felt very good as her parents are wonderful people and I will never forget that night. We talked for almost three hours and while walking trough the city the atmosphere made me feel in the world of magic. I felt part of their family and that was something that I hadn’t expected at all.
On Friday morning we edited the results of the interview. We went to the forum and watched the German-Turkish film presentation. It was a very beautiful film. The Turkish teacher had lived his childhood in Germany and last summer, together with the German teacher, went to visit his birth place. It was really exciting to see that some neighbours still remembered him and he remembered the exact place were he had fallen down with his bike. The funniest moment was that he had a picture of his first school day and took one exactly the same, but after 20 years. We enjoyed the film as well as the discussion with the students, teachers and parents on the topic of “Turkish immigration to Germany and integration”.
That day was a special one because it was Sarah’s birthday. Considering that it was my last day in Hanover she took me to some shops to buy some gifts. In the afternoon some friends of hers came at her home and brought cakes. I had asked Saskia to buy for me some flowers to offer Sarah. When Saskia arrived with Roxana and brought the flowers Sarah was taken by surprise. I guess she hadn’t expected that from me. It was a special evening and we went out , drank cocktails and talked. We had fun.
On Saturday morning I was sad because I knew it was my last day in Sarah’s family. Unfortunately Sarah felt very badly and she was not able to come with us for the sightseeing tour. Her parents saw me to the school and we all felt sad because that wonderful week was getting over.
We went to Hamburg and visited the Museum of Emigration “BallinStadt” which turned into a very impressing experience. The stories of the millions of people forced to emigrate to America touched our souls.
Hamburg is a gorgeous city and I would have liked to stay more but we were supposed to go back to Hanover and take the bus back to Dortmund.
This time we were aware that changes might appear. We managed again and we arrived safety in Dortmund and had a nice sleep in a hotel next to the airport.
I can’t express in words what I felt returning back home. When we landed on the airport in Cluj I felt safe and to being able to speak in my language made me appreciate more my country and my family as well.
It was a good experience for my life. I improved my English. Now I am able to speak in front of an audience and I am able to appreciate the people around me better.
Once in Germany, they had to travel by train from Dortmund to Hannover, which represented another surprise for them. The train was different than the trains from Romania. Was faster ,cleaner and more silent.
Once in Hannover, there took place the meeting with the German hosts, with the city, the visit of the school, meeting the other teams, and so on. After visiting the school, the school orchestra offered them a show.
They found out that the classes last 90`,and the breaks were different than ours. Then the students’ parents from Germany, offered the guests a delicious meal in school, made and served by them.
Then, they had the opportunity to go shopping, to see the wonderful Christmas Fair, to have a sightseeing tour that gave them the possibility to visit museums and cultural places in Hannover.
Well, on the 2nd day in school, there took place a meeting with 5 immigrants, interviewing them, a team work activity, the presentations in front of an audience.
The 3rd day was beautiful too. It took place another meeting with 3 immigrants of Turkish origin: a journalist, a teacher and a businessman(former football player).Then, it was presented a film, that showed them the experience of a Turkish family, who had to go back to Turkey, fearing the racist manifestation of some German groups.
The last day, the 4th day was the day with the trip to Hamburg and the visit of BallinStadt(The Museum of Immigration).
In that project, the students had the possibility to practice their English skills, to meet other people, to share with them feelings and opinions, to work in teams, to see very many beautiful places, and so on.
When the students came back, they felt sad because they separated from their new friends, and all the beautiful things they had seen, but on the other hand , they were happy because of the experience they had there.
Andrada Les,12th form E
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I was looking forward for the feedbacks of my colleagues who had had an excellent opportunity the take part in a project reunion in Hannover, Germany.
It was like after a whole week I could still hear their scared, trembling and excited voices before leaving... “ Oh, I can’t wait!” “ I’m so nervous” “ I hope we will have fun” “ I’m afraid not to disappoint someone” these were only some of their thoughts I was remembering that day on my way to school.
I finally arrived at school like a robot, feeling deeply lost in my thoughts and making every step mechanically.
Arriving up in our class room I was shocked to see it empty , I didn’t know what was to follow... I got a little bit embarrassed for arriving that early but curiosity took over me and I had to rush to find out everything about the wonderful trip. What I didn’t know was that I didn’t get too early, instead our teacher had prepared us a surprise in the library.
I was waiting and waiting, but nobody came. After 10 minutes my teacher came and asked what am I doing there. Everybody was in the library waiting to start their story and to watch all of the photos taken.
Now that was a surprise! None of us knew that our teacher would also show us pictures during our colleagues explained us their experience.
The photos were lovely and hearing our colleagues was like being there.
Watching and hearing everything almost made me feel bad for having let such an opportunity slip through my hands... but I also was glad for them. Lucky them!
At the end of our class I felt very well hearing such amazing stories and seeing so eye-catching pictures. It was great for me ... imagine what it might have been for the ones involved...
Schvarcz Karin , 12 E
Last week she was stunned to find out that she was one of those four lucky people who were picked to take part in this very important project. She worked really hard to gather information about different things, she had to interview a few persons then to take some photos of the surroundings, she barely even managed to sleep and today all this hard work will be finally paid off.
She was able to arrive in time and changed a few words with her classmates and went to take a seat in the bus and there they go to Cluj. After several stops the bus arrived in front of the hotel in Cluj, they all said "Good Night" and went to their rooms.
Arriving in her room Roxy was glad to rest a little but before that she still had to go once again through the schedule. Before she could even notice she fell asleep.
Something was surely going on in the hallway, she felt that people were agitated but before she could open her eyes someone was already knocking blatant at her door. In just an instant Roxy got out of the bed and when she looked at her watch she realized that she forgot to set up the alarm clock and overslept. Roxy rushed to the bathroom and splashed a little water on her face, then hastily put on some clothes, grabbed her luggage and galloped down the stairs until she arrived in the hotel lobby. Luckily the others were waiting for her and arrived at the airport just a few minutes before the plane took off. Roxy took a seat in the airplane and made herself comfortable. As the plane took off she sank a little in the plush seat and cold chills rushed down her spine, she took a deep breath and calmed down, after all it was her first time travelling with the plane.
In matter of hours they all arrived in Germany and at the airport they met up with the teachers and their hostess'. Roxy was surprised to see that the town, Hanover, was already prepared to receive Santa Claus. The city lights were mesmerizing and worth everything, she thought.
During the next few days they were all really preoccupied with the project, they talked about immigration, what kind of problems one can come across when going to another country, they visited museums, and they made new friends. In the blink of an eye the week was already over and they had to return home. While saying "Good Bye" "See you next time" Roxy noticed that her hostess Saskia had tears in her eyes. She managed to stay calm until she got on the plane. Melancholy started to cover her up. On her way back she remembered all the fun she had during the trip and she thought that it was worth all her efforts. She woke up in a daze and when she saw the album she got as a present from Saskia , Roxy sighted in relief that this experience was not just a dream.
Paula Nemeth, 12th form E