Friday, March 10, 2006

A World Without Borders

A society without borderlines

Let's say that we would hear that a country, no one knows where, is going to move its borderline because someone thought that his real place might be 3 kilometers away from that place.
A part of this people who would hear the news would say "...well it is not my business, they know what they are doing…”.
I would say “…it is my problem, it is our problem, because for so much time they put a border between us…”.
In fact, what is a borderline?
Thousands of years ago, in the prehistorically time, people didn’t have borders, they were only human beings fighting to survive.
Now we have to survive but in another world, in a world full of borders.
It is strange how, in a democratic world, we are closed, our liberty is closed.
There is a thing that they didn’t close between the borders.
It is our knowledge, our culture and we can still share it with those minds that are never closed.
Who didn’t think at a utopist world, a world without borderlines and a world where people are equals?
It would be wonderful, but till then no one can take our knowledge and the most important thing, no one can take our dreams.

11th C FORM


Anonymous said...

Maria,i thing your essay is a very true one..with a lot of knowledge for all of us..adults and teenagers..You have perfect right when you say that a world withoout borders it would be a great one..i am totally agree with you.. thank you for your helped me to think about what really means a border...bye

Fabo said...

Nice essay, really!

Hopefully, borders are getting less meaningful each day - thanks to lots of things, EU, aviation, seamanship...