Thursday, January 05, 2006

Essays on Romania

Borderline Project
Colegiul National Mihai Eminescu Baia Mare
“ How are we and how do the others see us?”
Conclusions on the essays written by students

In December 2005 I asked all my students from Mihai Eminescu National College , Baia Mare, Romania, to write an essay on our country with the title “ How are we and how do the others see us?”
The idea of such an essay came from Mrs. Roxana Pruncu, the project coordinator from M. Kogalniceanu Highschool, Vaslui, Romania.

Willing to get very honest and sincere opinions from my students I refrained myself from giving them indications. I just asked them to write an essay on the above-mentioned topic.

To my greatest surprise I noticed the students wrote very interesting essays.
The students were so respectful and treated the subject with incredible seriousness.

All the essays were politically correct. That does not mean they were not critical whenever the case.
The students tried to be objective and their opinions were well balanced pointing out both positive and negative aspects. However I have noticed sometimes that their opinions are strongly influenced by the newspaper articles and television programs. They used the same stereotypes and clichés.
That is mostly because most of them did not have the opportunity to travel abroad or meet foreigners.
It is interesting to notice that those who actually met foreigners and those who did not, both have complained on the bad image of the country abroad, considering that a very frustrating thing. According to all of them this image is mostly due to the behavior of some of our citizens.
They have complained about some gypsies and beggars who do not behave properly. I have noticed here a lack of tolerance.(That is why I have already asked them to write a new essay on tolerance. This time I have invited them to try to control their feelings and teach themselves how to be more tolerant towards certain ethnic groups.)
They all believe that because of the behaviour of the above mentioned groups the European citizens have such a bad opinion on Romania and on the Romanians.
They have all pointed out the fact that once the Europeans get into contact with other Romanians or once they get into direct contact with the country, they totally change their low opinion on us.
Some of them have pointed out the fact that because of communism our country’s development was slowed down.
They are all proud of the fact that Romania is part of NATO and our soldiers are actively involved in peace missions all over the world.
They are also looking forward to becoming members of the European Union in 2007.
They try to find explanations of the high number of Romanians who work abroad pointing out the fact that most of them are forced to do that in order to assure a better life for their families, considering this situation temporary.
They are proud to be Romanians and they strongly believe in the future development of the country.
They believe in democracy and in a prosperous future.
They do not forget to mention the geographical beauties of the country, the touristic potential and they are proud of the national cultural values. They are proud of our historical past. Communism is seen as the single dark period in our history.
They are proud of our great musicians, writers, painters, and sportsmen.
They like the fact that the foreigners love the way we keep our traditions alive.

As a conclusion I can say that the young generation is fully confident in a better future.
I must admit, when I gave them the task, my expectations had been quite different.
I did not think they could be so mature and so optimistic regarding the future of Romania.
Now I am confident that the young generation will definitely improve life in Romania in the near future.

Mariana Gabriela Hudrea
Project coordinator